MERD Course Evaluation System Dear participant, Please review the below information's for any errors. If any part of the data is incorrect, please do not attempt to complete the evaluation. Instead, please contact us for necessary correction. Otherwise, the same details will be printed on your certificate or the certificate will not be available. 1 Participants & Course details2 Course feedback Your Personal InformationFull Name.* Full Name Contact NumberEmail.* Enter Email Confirm Email Program / Course informationCourse category*Please SelectLife Support & Trauma CoursesMedical Skills CoursesOther Courses / ConferenceCourse Name*Please selectACLS CourseACLS Experinced Instructor CourseACLS Experinced Provider CourseACLS Instructor CourseACLS Online CourseACLS Renewal CourseALSO Instructor CourseALSO Provider CourseATCN CourseATCN Instructor CourseATLS CourseATLS Instructor CourseBLS Instructor CourseBLS Online CourseBLS Provider CourseBLS Renewal CourseHSFA CourseHSFA Instructor CourseNRP CourseNRP Instructor CoursePALS CoursePALS Instructor CoursePALS Online CoursePCAT CoursePEARS CoursePHTLS CoursePHTLS Instructor CourseOther Life Support & Trauma CoursesCourse Name*Please selectABG InterpretationAdult Procedural Sedation CourseAdvance ECG CourseAdvance ECHO WorkshopAdvance IV Therapy WorkshopAggression Management WorkshopBasic ECG CourseBasic Laparoscopy CourseBasic Surgical Skills CourseDifficult Airway Management WorkshopECHO Cardiography CourseEmergency Pharmacology CourseENT Emergenciese WorkshopInfection Control CourseIV Therapy CourseMechanical Ventilation WorkshopNon Invasive Mechanical Ventilation WorkshopPain Management WorkshopPediatric Procedural Sedation CoursePoint of Care Emergency Ultrasound WorkshopProctology and Pelvic Floor Disorders CourseSimulation Based Fundamentals in Invasive Lines And Airway Management WorkshopTriage WorkshopUltrasound Guided Regional Anesthesia WorkshopX-ray Interpretation WorkshopOther Medical Skill CourseOthers Course/event*Certificate Registration ID*Course end date.* DD MM YYYY Course Code*Venue Code* The Overall rating of the program. - التقييم العام للبرنامج بشكل كامل*PoorFairGoodVery GoodExcellentSpeakers. / المحاضرOverall performance of the speaker/s. - تقييم المحاضر بشكل عام*PoorFairGoodVery GoodExcellentKnowledge of subject matter / topic. - إلمام وتمكن المحاضر من المادة العلمية*PoorFairGoodVery GoodExcellentCommunication skills. / مهارات التواصل والنقاش*PoorFairGoodVery GoodExcellentClarity of presentation / language. / الإلقاء ووضوح اللغة*PoorFairGoodVery GoodExcellentCourse Content. / المادة العلميةOverall evaluation of course content. / تقييم محتوى المادة العلمية بشكل عام*PoorFairGoodVery GoodExcellentRelevance & suitability of the content to your work. - تناسب وصلة المادة العلمية بالمهام الوظيفية*PoorFairGoodVery GoodExcellentFlow & continuity of content. - ترابط وتناسق المادة العلمية*PoorFairGoodVery GoodExcellentCourse methodology / منهجية الدورةDuration of the program - مدة البرنامج*PoorFairGoodVery GoodExcellentAudio Visual aids - الأدوات السمعية والمرئية*PoorFairGoodVery GoodExcellentDelivery method (method of delivering the subject) - أسلوب توصيل المعلومة*PoorFairGoodVery GoodExcellentGeneral / عامTraining facilities / venue - تجهيزات ومكان البرنامج*PoorFairGoodVery GoodExcellentCatering - الاستراحة والضيافة*PoorFairGoodVery GoodExcellentWould you recommend this program to your friends - هل توصي زملائك لحضور هذا البرنامج*YesNoAre you Dubai Health Authority staff? - هل أنت موظف في هيئة الصحة بدبي؟*YesNoHow did you hear about this course? - كيف أعلمت بهذا البرنامج؟*Intranet: MyDHA - الإنترانت: شبكة هيئة الصحة الداخليةInternet: DHA website - الموقع الإلكتروني لهيئة الصحة بدبيMED Announcements Email - إعلانات البريد الإلكترونيFriends & Colleagues - أصدقاء وزملاء العملInternet: Other website: - مواقع إلكترونية أخرىOthers: - غير ذلكPlease specify the other Website*Other: please specify : - غير ذلك: يرجى التفصيل*Comments & Suggestions - الملاحظات والاقتراحات:EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.